MindUser   MindUser
       Use mind skills for success in study, work & social life

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Many thousands of courses are on offer in London - in every conceivable subject - at every level - full-time or part-time - for academic qualifications, career needs or just enjoyment.

Floodlight   The famous guide to London's 50,000 evening, part-time and full-time courses. Links to college websites. Also available in book form at newsagents [UK]

Hotcourses  Find and apply for courses on every conceivable subject in London (and throughout the UK). Access to over 500,000 courses. Run by the providers of course information for the official LearnDirect database. Also available in book form at newsagents [UK]

LearnDirect  UK Government service, giving details of courses in any subject, anywhere in the UK. Search for information on the website or telephone for free individual guidance [UK]

London Colleges The Association of Colleges - London provides a guide to further and adult education colleges and courses in London, with details of thousands of courses and links to colleges' websites [UK]

These central London colleges offer a vast range of vocational and recreational evening, weekend and part-time courses. Subjects include: art, music, languages, drama, sports, business, computing, philosophy, study skills, and self-development.

Birkbeck College.
City Literary Institute.
City University.
Kensington & Chelsea College.
Mary Ward Centre.
Morley College.
University of Westminster.

Develop your memory!

Whatever your age or educational background, MindUser's fascinating online course will quickly improve your learning powers. Build a superb memory for facts, figures, names and faces. Concentrate, study and pass exams. Remember the data you need at work. And boost every aspect of your personal development. In just 15 minutes from now you could be using your memory in new and exciting ways.

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