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These directories gives web links to a vast range of philosophical resources around the world. Their focus is on academic philosophy as taught in English-speaking universities. The approach and content varies but collectively they cover: universities and colleges, courses, conferences, events, societies, groups, online books, bookshops, magazines, journals, libraries, reference material, academic jobs, individual philosophers and specific topics.

Ephilosopher [US]

Episteme Links An excellent place to start [US]

Erratic Impact Includes links to university and college philosophy departments worldwide [US]

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet [US]

Philosophy around the Web Includes university philosophy departments and distance learning courses [UK]

Philosophy at Large Liverpool University site [UK]

Philosophy in Cyberspace Includes links to university departments worldwide, libraries, bookshops, online books, events, jobs [Australia]

Philosophy Sites on the Internet Tel-Aviv University site [Israel]




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