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Philosophical magazines and journals, several of which offer an excellent way into the subject for beginners.

English Language

Philosophy  The quarterly journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy seek to be intelligible to the serious non-specialist reader [UK]

Philosophy Now The UK’s most widely-read philosophy publication appears six times a year. It makes philosophy comprehensible for beginners, while providing enjoyable reading for students and academics.  Articles on all aspects of philosophy are supplemented by reviews, letters and news items. The events list in the magazine and on the website covers the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand  [UK]

The Examined Life Journal A free quarterly online journal which also gives links to philosophy sites and philosophy events worldwide [US]

The Philosophers' Magazine An independent quarterly devoted to presenting top-class philosophy in an accessible and entertaining format. The website version largely differs in content from the paper edition and includes an online forum, plus current information about philosophy resources and events [UK]

Think  Published three times a year by the Royal Institute of Philosophy and aimed at the general public. The articles, by leading philosophers, are free from jargon and cover topics of broad interest and relevance to everyday life [UK]

Other Languages

AnábasisDigital Online journal with book reviews, discussions and lists of events [Spain - Spanish language]

Asterión XXI Online magazine covering philosophy, literature, arts, science, education [Argentina - Spanish language]

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