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Follow the links below to find training courses, practitioners, counselling, life coaches. Also visit the MindUser guide to Courses, whichwill enable you to locate training in all subjects, including self-development.

Find a coach helps you locate a life coach anywhere in the world. It lists Personal Coaches who offer one-to-one coaching on: Quality of Life, Health and Wellness, Career Transitions, Creativity, Professional Development, Relationships, Finance; and Business Coaches who coach on: Team Building, Business Plans, Financing, Strategic Planning, Training, Conflict Management, Productivity [US]

International Stress Management Association The site gives advice on lifestyle and exam stress - and you can E-mail for details of your nearest stress management counsellor [UK]

KEEN  Live, immediate advice for everyday life. You choose from a wide range of UK consultants and are then connected over the phone for a per-minute fee. For the US service, click here.

Self Confidence To help you build your self esteem and confidence, this site offers a free course, self-help articles and a CD training pack [UK]

The Happiness Project  The Happiness Project offers programmes throughout the UK in happiness, personal development, leadership and relationships [UK]

UCL Hypnosis Unit Based at University College London (London University), this is one of the UK's leading centres for hypnosis research and offers the only training accredited by an English university. It also runs a stress management course for the public, which teaches you relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques [UK]

Yoga Village UK is dedicated to the practice of all traditions of yoga in the UK. It helps you to find yoga teachers, events, holidays, organisations and centres. You can also buy yoga books and videos [UK]

Develop your memory!

Whatever your age or educational background, MindUser's fascinating online course will quickly improve your learning powers. Build a superb memory for facts, figures, names and faces. Concentrate, study and pass exams. Remember the data you need at work. And boost every aspect of your personal development. In just 15 minutes from now you could be using your memory in new and exciting ways.

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